Newborn and Infant Mittens, Booties, Hats and Socks
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Your little guy or girl will look adorable in mittens, booties, hats and socks, but only for as long as they will stay on. Here are my favorites in each category that look cute and stay on the littlest hands, feet and heads:
Goumikids' tagline is "beautiful baby essentials that work." I would have to agree that they work as they really do stay on. I'm not sure that I would classify them as beautiful, but they are definitely sweet and come in a range of patterns.
The mittens, booties and hats eacg come in two sizes -- small/medium, which are perfect for a newborn, and medium/large, which are for the next stage. They are made of cotton and viscose.
The mittens are really their standout product as they fit great and keep a baby from scratching himself in the the early days.
I initially got a different brand of organic mittens, which were less expensive but useless because they kept falling off.
I had a winter baby and he wore his Zutano fleece booties all the time. They fit great and don’t fall off. I would recommend the Zutano fleece booties for colder weather and Goumikids or Zutano cotton booties for warmer weather.
Summer Hats
iplay, Goumikids and Hanna Andersson make hats that provide great sun protection. Click here for a discount on Hanna Andersson.
Hanna Andersson makes great socks that stay on. Hanna Andersson's are generally organic. I like all Gap baby socks, but the organic Gap socks are extra soft. See above for mittens as an alternative to socks. Click here for a discount on Hanna Andersson.
My favoriHanna Andersson's organic sleepers. They come in great vibrant prints, fit forever because of fold over cuffs and have flat seams, so they are really comfortable for the baby.
te have beenS in Hanna Andersson PJs on Mother's Day.
I also liked Carter's sleepers. The one in the picture below was my favorite. I had it in newborn and then again in size 0-3 months.
12 day old S in my favorite newborn sleeper.
L'oved Baby sleepers in newborn size were among the few to fit S well during his first couple of weeks (he was born average size).
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